Category Archives: Call To Action

3 Open Positions March 2025 Join Our Team!

We Invite You To Join Us!
We’re Growing our Team in 2025

Shasta Living Streets is a great place to work, offering a supportive environment and opportunities for learning and growth. You will work in a beautiful building in a vibrant Downtown, with best of class vendors, and partner organizations that believe in what we do.

It’s a place where you can bring joy to people while also delivering innovative programs that make a real difference in your city and the world.

Shasta Living Streets is a community-based California nonprofit public benefit corporation, founded in 2010. We offer programs for clean transportation and active living excellence that build better cities for everyone by bringing lower cost of living, connected communities, healthy lifestyles, and more joy.

Today we are growing our team to realize a ten-year vision to provide 21st Century amenities, to empower and encourage cycling excellence and trail tourism, to raise Redding and Shasta County into the ranks of top places for active, healthy living.

We do this in partnership with the State of California and the City of Redding for the additional urgent need to achieve goals of greenhouse gas reductions in transportation.

Open Positions

We Encourage You to Apply

Please review the job descriptions at the links below.

More information

Thinking about joining our team? Please review this information about our programs and programming goals in the document at the link below.

To Apply

We’re Hiring! Join Our Team

We’re launching new programs and building our team & we want you to be a part of it!

Join Our Team

Shasta Living Streets is a great place to work offering a supportive environment and opportunities for learning and growth.  You will work in a beautiful building in a vibrant Downtown, with best of class vendors, and partner organizations that believe in what we do.  It’s a place where you can bring joy to people while also delivering innovative programs that make a real difference in your city and the world. 

We are building a team to realize a ten-year vision to provide 21st Century amenities to empower and encourage cycling excellence and trail tourism to raise Redding and Shasta County into the ranks of top places for active, healthy living.   We do this in partnership with State of California and City of Redding for the additional urgent need to achieve goals of greenhouse gas reductions in transportation. 

This May we will launch the Shasta Bike Depot and Redding Bikeshare.  We are creating a social and practical mobility hub for local residents and trail enthusiasts, and visitors from out of town. 

Open Positions

Go to for current openings and information

Bicycle Technician(s), Shasta Living Streets

Positions Open:    
Position open until filled.

Position Description:  

More information

Thinking about joining our team? Please review this information about our programs and programming goals in the document at the link below.

DONATE & WIN A New Electric Cargo Bike

Donate for a chance to win
a Yuba Spicy Curry electric cargo bike

It’s a long-tail bike
Made for big loads and wiggly kids
With electric-assist to make riding a joy 

Please read details on this page. Ticket link below.

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We’re excited to bring another Electric Cargo Bike to a Local Family

Your Donation Supports Community Programming at the Shasta Bike Depot

Thank you! We are grateful for your support. Donations support Community Programming at the Shasta Bike Depot – Opening Soon! 

Contributions are welcome and appreciated at any amount. Yes, you can make multiple donations.

  • $5  Receive ONE cargo bike raffle ticket
  • $20 Receive FIVE cargo bike raffle tickets
  • $40 Receive TEN cargo bike raffle tickets
  • $80  Receive TWENTY cargo bike raffle tickets


Prize Eligibility to Local Residents

While donations are welcome from anyone, the following eligibility criteria must be met in order to receive the raffle prize: 
==> Eligible participants must reside in Shasta County, California.  
==> Eligible participants must be 18 years old or older at time of participation. 

  • Prize winners will be selected in a random drawing from all eligible entries. 
  • Tickets available by donation through June 16th. Last day is June 16th.
  • Prize winner will be selected and announced on June 17th.
  • The Yuba Spicy Curry Electric Cargo Bike is a $5,500 value.

Your donation for Better bikeways, walkable cities and vibrant public places in Redding & Shasta county

At Shasta Living Streets we imagine Downtown Redding as the center hub of a connected city. It’s a people-friendly, walkable, bikeable district with vibrant public places, and smart-city amenities. 

We Believe when we give a lot more people the resources, skills and confidence they need to get around safely and conveniently walking and biking, people discover the ease and joy of active living. When we add high-quality facilities and experiences, our community becomes healthier, happier, and more prosperous.

This is why with the Shasta Bike Depot we have designed a full-service set of features for active transportation commutes and tourism services, to provide amenities, create community, and empower people. Starting in Downtown, the services and amenities will help build our trail town and create a connected city.

Our Sponsors

Please know, this raffle prize is made possible by generous contribution from Yuba Bicycles, the Redding Parks and Trails Foundation, and last years’ Spicy Curry e-cargo bike winners, Jenn and Ted, who were so happy with the experience of owning an e-cargo bike, they made a generous donation to “pay it forward” to make another bike available to a lucky family in our community.

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2021 Happy Winners Jenn & Ted
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Also => We’re Hiring!

We’re launching new programs and building our team & we want you to be a part of it!
Join Our Team.

Please share with your friends and colleagues.
Details: at this link.

May 26 MARCHFOURTH Marching Band!

It’s time!

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It’s a musical extravaganza and dance party.

Join us for this big band experience in Downtown Redding

  • YOUR TICKET Purchase here –> We will have your name on a list. Please bring your receipt.
    Shasta Living Streets’ California Street Labs
    1313 California Street, Redding 96001

We look forward to seeing you!


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Click here for tickets!

Available for purchase.

ARRIVE BY BIKE. Bike to the show, park your bike on site.
ARRIVE BY CAR. There is ample free parking in Downtown Redding. Try out the new parking garage. Large parking lots directly adjacent: to the north, west, and south.

For this show – please no dogs. We normally welcome our canine friends, but best not to have them at this festival.

We are a no smoking & no vape venue.



Proceeds support 
Shasta Living Streets & 
The Shasta Bike Depot

Also => We’re Hiring!

We’re launching new programs and building our team & we want you to be a part of it!
Join Our Team.

Please share with your friends and colleagues.
Details: at this link.



Help get improvements on Pine St & South Market Thurs Aug 19

What is a Walkable, Bikeable City
and how do we get one?

Considering:  Pine Street, S Market to Buenaventura, Buenaventura Intersection

You are invited:
Thursday, August 19th   4:00-6:00 p.m.

  • Please join us on Zoom:    
  • Or Toll Free Call:  (669)900-6833
  • Meeting ID:  826 4382 3035

Unable to attend? Send your thoughts our way, we will include them

Comments and thoughts about safety hazards, needs for walking, biking, traffic calming – we will make sure your comments are added.
Send to: Bryson Schreder

Why? This workshop: 

Brings outside expertise to Redding to review current conditions and speak with agency staff and  local business owners about their ideas and concerns specifically regarding the experience of people walking and biking to shop, work, live and play. Interdisciplinary teams will explore solutions for challenge areas.

Shares best practice and practical solutions to improve the experience of visitors, shoppers, employers, employees – people who visit, work, play, live,  and travel using State Route 273 in Downtown and Central Redding.

Improvement ideas will be discussed for Pine Street & South Market to Buenaventura

Engages public input and collective decision-making on ways to improve our city. People are  better able to provide input with an understanding of how alternatives serve their needs.

Provides written recommendations by state experts on public comments and features that can improve the walking and biking experience and reduce collisions and safety concerns for the people businesses want to attract. These can be  used as one more form of input to current design and planning processes.

Workshop Activities

  • Goals of the Community Pedestrian & Bicycle Safety Training
  • 3 focus areas: Review of collision data & suggested improvements 
  • Safe System Approach, Strategies to improve safety
  • 3 focus areas: Interdisciplinary teams public comments & discussion
  • Group Report-out of ideas 

Thank you to the Planning Team 

California Walks, UC Berkeley SafeTREC, Shasta Living Streets, Caltrans District 2, City of Redding, Shasta Co Health & Human Services Agency

Workshop conducted by California Walks and UC Berkeley SafeTREC

The Safe Transportation Research and Education Center works to reduce transportation-related injuries and fatalities through research, education, outreach, and community service.

California Walks partners with state agencies, organizations and communities to establish and strengthen policies and practices that support pedestrian safety and healthy, walkable communities.

Previous Best Foot Forward workshops and public input in Redding/Shasta

More information

Anne Thomas
Marina Ramirez


Share your biking and walking safety concerns by Mon July 24

Do you want safer streets for walking and bicycling? 

Would you like the Redding City Council to continue to prioritize efforts to improve the safety and accessibility of streets and neighborhoods? 

Your voice counts.  The Redding City Council is asking for input.
Help ensure this serious safety issue continues to be a priority for the City of Redding.  Contact information below.

The Challenge

Traffic deaths and life-altering injuries from collisions are preventable.  For too long we’ve considered traffic deaths and severe injuries to be inevitable side effects of modern life.  We face a crisis on our streets — with traffic violence taking too many lives, both from collisions and from sedentary lifestyles.

The significant loss of life exacts a tragic toll, extending beyond personal loss to deep community impacts, including: personal economic costs and emotional trauma to those suffering; and significant taxpayer spending on emergency response and long-term healthcare costs. And because so many fear for their safety on our streets, there is no real transportation choice for our families — no right to choose to walk or bike — and, as a result, we compromise our public health with increasing rates of sedentary diseases, higher transportation costs, traffic congestion and pollution.

The Vision

We can save lives, prevent life-altering injuries, increase physical activity, reduce the high cost of transportation for local families, and improve the livability of our community and the strength of our local economy.

People in Redding from all walks of life -staff in the City of Redding and Shasta Regional Transportation, as well as businesses, developers and community groups are attempting to address this problem.  We want to ensure that their work to make streets safer for all modes of transportation continues to be a priority so they can move forward with reliable data, resources, and political support.

How you can help

Two opportunities for public participation are available:

First, Share your thoughts in an email  

City Council wants to know what safety issues concern you – and what solutions you would like to see addressed.  Please send a respectful email with your concerns for safe bicycling and walking in Redding, generally, on with specific detail.  We want to register the communities interest to continue addressing this serious safety issue.

Email here:
All emails are due by 5 p.m. Monday, July 24  

  • Emails and will be provided to the City Council prior to the forum.
  • Email questions will be addressed at the forum as time allows, and may be addressed in subsequent materials.

And/or attend the forum and share your thoughts in person

Community Forum
Thursday. July 27
4 to 7 p.m.
City Council Chambers, 777 Cypress Avenue

In addition to the City Council, Redding Police officials will attend, as well representatives of Shasta County public safety agencies. The forum will include background information on what the City has done, and is able to do, to combat crime, including a rundown on ordinances the City has enacted to protect the public.


Each year, more than 30,000 people — the population of a small city — are needlessly killed on American streets and thousands more are injured.  We call this suffering traffic “accidents” — but, in reality, we have the power to prevent traffic collisions.
Learn more at


Beach Bus! Great things happen when we work together

SRTA, RABA, Whiskeytown National Recreation Area and Redding Recreation are joining together to make the Beach Bus a reality.

This program comes directly from feedback given in recent unmet needs surveys that show strong interest in summer service to the lake.  This was validated as a priority by the nine member Social Services Transportation Advisory Council  (Reminder:  We are lucky to have Margie McAleer represents us on this council, on behalf of Shasta Living Streets members and mission.)

ACTION ALERT:  Join us at the RABA meeting next Monday to show support for this program!   

  • Monday June 20, 5:15pm at Redding City Council Chambers.  You’ll find us in the right side seating / towards the front.

Local agencies are responding quickly to your voices on the transit unmet-needs surveys. Thank you to everyone for taking a little time to make comments.

Beach Bus

Great things happen when we work together!

Let’s continue to show our support for improvements to transit that build excellence and support active lifestyles in Shasta County!

It Doesn’t Have To Be This Way

Yesterday, a person on bicycle was killed in Redding.

At Shasta Living Streets, we believe that most collisions are preventable by reducing dangerous behaviors and building streets that work for everyone.

In America, over 30,000 people die every year on our streets and highways; somehow, we have become inured to these daily tragedies and accept them as inevitable. Programs like Vision Zero say, “Wait a minute, these deaths are preventable. We don’t have to accept this—better infrastructure and better policies can stop the slaughter.” What’s more, Vision Zero programs have been shown to work.

Better infrastructure like protected bike lanes are the cornerstone of any Vision Zero program. Make no mistake, protected bike lanes work:

And better infrastructure doesn’t benefit just people on bikes:

  • When protected bike lanes are installed in New York City, injury crashes for all road users (drivers, pedestrians, and cyclists) typically drop by 40 percent and by more than 50 percent in some locations. [source: Memorandum on Bike Lanes, City of New York, Office of the Mayor, 21 March 2011]

Better bicycle infrastructure also has many proven economic benefits, but we will discuss that another time. The fact is that we can do better. We should do better.

Let’s not shy away from excellence. Let’s not turn our back on the deaths. Let’s work together to built streets that work better for people who walk, bike, and drive.

Help us extend the river trail network and enhance river access



Shasta Living Streets, The Fly Shop, The Civic Auditorium, Turtle Bay have teamed up to support The City of Redding to scope and implement improvements along the riverfront west of the Sundial Bridge.   

We are asking our members and customers, partners and friends to join us and take a simple step to build a community-contribution fund that will support City of Redding trail and boat ramp improvement project.

This fund will be used to develop improvements that build on our current assets, address specific challenges, and make improvements today that will benefit families and businesses in the near term, while also creating a legacy for our community into the future.

You can help extend the river trail network and enhance river access

Join others and make a donation to the community-contribution fund for the next step to care for our spectacular river and the intersection between the river, our city, and the people who live, work, and play here.

Those who have the privilege to know, have the duty to act.    
– Albert Einstein

Buy a Ticket – Enjoy film night with friends and support trails! 

flyfishingfilmtour_v2Get your tickets today!  

Cold clear water, wild landscapes, scenic beauty, and inspiring stories    . . . you are sure to enjoy these films from around the world whether you fish, enjoy outdoor activities, or just like to gaze at natural beauty.

Saturday, November 21 at the Civic Auditorium in Redding.

Your entire ticket amount will be donated to the community contribution fund for the Riverfront Park to Boat Ramp improvements.  Thank you!

Advance: $20 – Door: $25 – VIP: $50
VIP includes reserved seating, complimentary drink, 5 raffle tickets, and Dutch Brothers coffee coupon.  

Get tickets online:  here 

Make a Donation Today – Our collective giving supports the River Trail extension

Thank you! Your contribution will bring improvements to benefit our local fisheries and the boating and tourism industry, as well as local individuals, families, and visitors who will enjoy the trail and bikeway. Your donation is tax deductible.

Online donations:  Use this link above. [Campaign complete]

Checks:  Checks can be left at the Fly Shop, or mailed to  to Shasta Living Streets, P.O. Box 941, Palo Cedro, CA 96073.   Make checks payable to Shasta Living Streets.   Please send your address, we will return a receipt of your donation.

Riverfront Park to the Boat Ramp Improvements

This site is used by fishermen, boaters, rafters, kayakers, paddle boarders, and more.  The convenient location just upstream from the world-famous Sundial Bridge, Turtle Bay Museum and soon-to-be-built hotel makes it a priority site for residents of Redding and Shasta County as well as tourists visiting from all over the state, country, and even the world.



Enhance River Access

The planned upgrade to this area includes enhancements to the riparian area along the river that will benefit the important fisheries and spawning areas in this section of the river.  Boating improvements include widening and re-paving to allow for multiple vehicle launching; a graded area for drift boat, raft, and kayak parking to reduce congestion in the launch area; and will blend in well with the extension to the River Trail Network, improvements to the roads into the boat ramp area and parking lot, and added greenspace and fishermen’s access along the river between the boat ramp and the bridge.




Extend the River Trail Network

Enhancements are planned for this area to allow people to walk along the river, enjoy seating and picnic areas and to ride a bike from the Sundial Bridge along this southern shore of the river.   Long-term planning is underway to make a connection from this area of Turtle Bay into downtown Redding.  The scoping process will help determine how this section of trail can enhance the planned bikeway and trail that will connect downtown Redding to the Turtle Bay hotel, Sundial Bridge, Civic Auditorium and other attractions in the area.

Donate Today to help extend the river trail network and enhance river access

               Riverfront Improvement Donation $20.00 – $500.00              

Questions?  Please contact

Anne Thomas, Executive Director, Shasta Living Streets.

Michael Caranci, Travel Sales Specialist, Director of Schools & Camps, The Fly Shop.

Thank you!


Scholarship Available: Join the local team at the California Bicycle Coalition Summit

The 2015 California Bicycle Summit will take place Sunday, October 25th through Wednesday, October 28th in San Diego

Join the local team at the conference –  Shasta Living Streets and Chico Velo have formed a local delegation of individuals to attend the summit and build synergy by learning and networking together.

SCHOLARSHIP AVAILABLE.   Healthy Shasta will provide one scholarship for a Shasta County resident to attend the  2015 California Bicycle Summit

  • The deadline to apply for a Professional Development Scholarship through Healthy Shasta is Tuesday, September 8, 2015, at 5 pm.
  • Info on how to apply:  2015 Scholarship Bike Summit Application
  • Contact Amy at  for more information about this scholarship opportunity.

What is the California Bicycle Summit?

The California Bicycle Summit is hosted by the California Bicycle Coalition and includes three days of interactive panels, inspiring presentations, bike tours, sessions to share best practices and build skills, and networking – all oriented toward creating healthier, safer, and more prosperous communities.

Note: Shasta Living Streets and our members are one of 16 partner affiliates of the California Bicycle Coalition, representing regions across the state.

Details are at California Bicycle Summit 2015

Equity is the theme of this year’s Summit. Tracks include:

  • Open Streets —how to create or improve Open Streets events.
  • Building Better Bikeways — latest and best practice in (re-)designing streets and paths to create networks of low-stress bikeways connecting destinations, sponsored by Alta Planning + Design.
  • Movement Building — learn from the best among California’s bicycle advocates how to strengthen your voice for more bicycle-friendly communities.
  • Prosperity — biking is good business, and good for the economy.
  • Education — best practices in educating drivers and bicyclists about safe sharing of the roads.
  • Enforcement — what role does enforcement play in promoting safer bicycling?
  • Communications — using new and traditional media to reach all Californians effectively.