Support quality of life for everyone in Redding and Shasta County with a tax deductible donation.

By making it easy and attractive for people to get around without a car, we’re bringing more people Downtown and bringing Downtown to life.
Starting in Downtown, the services and amenities help build our trail town and create a connected city.
“I grew up just outside Redding, at 17 my first job was in Downtown Redding” said Anne Thomas, Shasta Living Streets’ Executive Director. “Today we are working with many partners to build on the basic elements that made downtown Redding the regional hub decades ago. The collaborative projects are building housing, retail and office space. We are adding 21st century amenities like Redding Bikeshare and the Shasta Bike Depot, a 5.1 mile connected 2-way separated bikeway that connects people and places in the center of the city, and a new urban park and alley-way with summer shade, a water feature, more trees, and art.”
We believe when we give a lot more people the resources, skills and confidence they need to get around safely and conveniently walking and biking, people discover the ease and joy of active living. When we add high-quality facilities and experiences, more people are engaged, and our community becomes healthier, happier, and more prosperous.
This is why with the Shasta Bike Depot we have designed a full-service set of features for clean and active transportation commutes and tourism services, to provide amenities, create community, and empower people. Starting in Downtown, the services and amenities help build our trail town and create a connected city.
Contributions by check can be made to Shasta Living Streets
Mail to: 1322 California Street, Redding, CA 96001
Your donation is tax deductible. Shasta Living Streets is a community-based 501(c)(3) non-profit organization. 88-2621250