Category Archives: Events

Bicycling related events in the area

Bike – Walk – Downtown Redding!

What makes a vibrant downtown?  We do!


Check it out – 

Public Bicycle Repair Station!  Ride by Coffee Bar and check out the beautiful new bike parking and public bicycle repair station!  Stop in before 6 p.m. and tell them “thank you!”

Make an early evening visit to Vintage Wine Bar and Restaurant for Friday Happy Hour 4 p.m. – 6 p.m.    25% discount on appetizers;  $3 pints; $1 discounts on a glass of wine.   Check the website for the live music schedule, starting at 8pm.

Late night in downtown check out Café Paradisio.   Enjoy $5 happy hour specials from 10pm to 1 am every Thursday, Friday and Saturday nights.  The late night menu includes delicious grilled cheese and fried egg sandwhiches, and new additions are coming soon, that will include Hawaiian chicken or salmon on the late night menu.

Quotes from Downtown Business Owners

We are glad to see the bike lanes in Downtown Redding and are looking forward to seeing more bike racks to make it easier for people to park their bikes safely. We encourage people to ride their bicycles to our restaurant – We look forward to seeing you!”   – Steven and Barbara Berger, Café Paradisio.

“I’m buying a bicycle now because the bike lanes make it possible for me to ride from my house to work!” –Alex Gaxiola, Co-Owner, Vintage Wine Bar and Restaurant

“I’m really excited there are these new improvements now and I can feel good about my kids riding around downtown.”—Janis Logan, Co-Owner, Vintage Wine Bar and Restaurant

“I’m really jazzed” about the bike repair station, “you don’t have to carry tools. There’s a pump. … Sometimes I sit out here. I see people passing by, and they have a flat ride. This is something where they can stop by and fix their bike.”  – Jim Koenigsaecker, Chief Executive officer of Innovations Housing, owner of Coffee Bar.

This is a four-week series where explore walking and riding in Downtown Redding.

  • Discover how easy it is to get around with the new street improvements.
  • Take this opportunity to see businesses you did not know were downtown.
  • Have dinner at place that’s new to you.
  • Enjoy the fun of seeing people you know ride by and bicycles you recognize parked at downtown venues—spontaneous connections and have  conversations!
  • Meet new people who like to ride in Redding and Shasta County.  You might be surprised by how large the cycling tribe is!
  • Discover how many bicycle friendly businesses are downtown—as they welcome riders with discounts and promotions.

Big Bicycle Weekend Featuring the Shasta Jamboree Rides!

Multiple events round out a BIG BICYCLE WEEKEND showcasing cycling excellence in our region

For friends and families to learn more about our local cycling opportunities and bicycle friendly businesses.  Enjoy an organized ride, learn about groups and ongoing activities, or just come out to meet other people who love riding in Redding and Shasta County.

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Proudly sponsored by Macy’s

FRIDAY – Better Bikeways celebration at Carnegie’s

thehotelheleniak_postcardOctober 10th.   In downtown Redding.  A pre-ride meal and social event.  Take a ride from there and explore the new bikeway on California Street.  Register for the Jamboree Rides in the morning.   More Information

SATURDAY – Shasta Jamboree Rides  

October 11th.    jamboree_300X250Ride in the foothills of Mt Lassen along country roads in oak woodlands, the Manton Valley, and ponderosa pine and cedar forests.   Spectacular vistas of surrounding mountains around every bend.

Experience challenging ascents and spectacular descents, or choose a shorter ride with gentle rolling hills.

Get inspired – watch the Shasta Jamboree VIDEO!   (2 mins)

More Information    – Register today! at




Among other Jamboree highlights, Fresh Fire Grill provides your after-ride meal!  They are new, delicious, and conveniently located – you can stop there for a delicious meal at the end of your ride.

SATURDAY NIGHT – Wildcard on Wheels 

WILDCARD_ON_WHEELS_small-BOctober 11th.

A party celebrating the joys of cycling in Shasta County at the home of one of our favorite local craft brewers.

Enjoy good beer, music by Mumblefinger – recently chosen Redding’s best local band – and great conversation with other locals who support cycling in our community.   Also a fundraiser for Shasta Living Streets and Shasta Wheelmen.   More Information

SUNDAY AFTERNOON – Family Trail Day 

IMG_6699October 12th.

Friends and families will enjoy a morning on the trail, then stop by and enjoy live music by local greats The Coyotes, lunch, dessert and a cold beer.

Local businesses and organizations will share the many ways to enjoy an active lifestyle and our beautiful trails.   More information


For a full celebration of two-wheeled riding in Shasta County: enjoy the events for motorcycle enthusiasts at  Big Bike Weekend!

You are invited to join or watch the Remembrance Ride on Friday night and visit the activities at Hilltop Holiday Inn, including a Bike Show and competition and Strongman Competition.

Bike To Happy Hour For A Bike Commute Festival

Do you sometimes enjoy biking to work?  Thinking about it but need some encouragement?

Join us for Happy Hour and the Bike Commute Festival on Friday. Please join us whether you ride on this day or not ….  Come meet people who ride locally and swap ideas, tips and stories.  Learn about programs and how you can get involved in the movement to create better bikeways and walkable cities and towns in our region.

THANK YOU to our sponsors – Realtor, Rick PhillipsCarnegie’s, and Redding Distributing Company.


And enjoy Shasta Living Streets Better Bikeway Brew, a blond ale from Deschutes Brewery!


Our beer celebrates the Better Bikeways Campaign for Shasta County.  Photos available on Instagram:  Better Bikeways Photos

Then – Later that evening, head over to the  Bike-In Movie in the Downtown Promenade.  At about 8:30pm.    More information:  FREE Bike-in Movie Night

Klunkerz: A Film About Mountain Bikes – documents mountain bike history during its formative years in Northern California and examines the relationships of the Marin County teens, athletes, and entrepreneurs who were directly responsible for popularizing off-road cycling. The film includes many interviews with those present during the embryonic stages of the sport, including Gary Fisher, Charlie Kelly, Joe Breeze, Tom Ritchey, Mike Sinyard, and Otis Guy, and covers “the treacherous old Repack races.”

The film was written, produced, and directed by independent California filmmaker Billy Savage and released on October 8, 2006.

movie trailer

Wear your ten gallon hat and ride your zero gallon bike! We ride too!

Extroverts welcome.   

Join friends from Shasta Living Streets and The Shasta Wheelman as we ride in the parade to help our community understand that we ride too!   Help spread the word about people on bicycles in our community and enjoy the beautiful day and riding in the parade – it’s really fun!

Yep, We ride too!  

Jack as DodgeCarr

Saturday, May 17th, 2014.  Meet on California Street between Shasta and Eureka Way at 8:30 am.

We are Parade # 126, Staging 09.

bull on a bike


More information about the parade:  Parade Map,  Asphalt Cowboys

What a Great Day! —A Redding Event Like No Other

Family Bicycling Day

Love Your Family. Love Your Neighborhood. Love Your Bike

Thank you Everyone!  We have many photos and stories to share from the activities on Sunday May 4, 2014.

Photos and Video


  • Ciclovia event will turn Parkview Avenue into giant bike lane.  

    By Jenny Espino Thursday, May 1, 2014   Article Here

  • Family Bicycling Day triggers discussion of transportation issues in Redding   By Alayna Shulman May 4, 2014   Article Here

    Thank You To Our Generous Sponsors:


Women on Bicycles: Rich Local History, Exciting Future

The North State has a rich local history of cycling that starts in the 1880s and continues until today.

Research and photos from the turn of the century and since are being collected, curated and written about by Shasta Living Streets volunteers, in  a collaborative effort with the Shasta Historical Society, the Shasta Wheelman and local bicycling shops.

Learn about North State Cycling History

  • Visit the ongoing exhibit of cycling history at the Historical Society offices in the downtown Redding Promenade.
  • Request a presentation for your local group by Shasta Living Streets.   Learn about the past – and the exciting future of cycling in our area and how you can get involved.


Bicycle Butler and Valet Parking at TEDx Sept 7


Ride downtown on a warm Saturday afternoon for inspiration and conversation and to remember just how lucky we are to live in such a great place.

Our butlers will be available to assist you and watch your bicycle as you enjoy the program in the beautiful Cascade Theatre.

For more information about the program put on by the Catalyst Group:

Family Bicycling Day – Be the Parade!

It’s an inside-out parade – that’s not just for bicycles!

It’s a modern event where everyone participates. 

The open-street makes it fun and safe to walk, skip, skate, dance and bicycle along Park Marina Drive while shopping at local businesses, listening to music and joining in activities. The route connects Turtle Bay to City Hall and is temporarily a car-free space.

Come out and celebrate what’s best about our community, supporting business and enjoying our beautiful city.

More information about all the activities on this beautiful Saturday:  Family Bicycling Day

Bicycling in the North State is Awesome

We want to Thank everyone for the enormous show of interest and support for the celebration of bicycling at the Cascade Theatre.   Bicycling in the North State is awesome!  This region has an amazing history for bicycling, and there are so many local groups and activities, amazing trails and events, and future plans that collectively make our region an exciting destination for people who love to bicycle and live an active outdoor lifestyle.

A special thank you to Mike Flanagan, our friendly and talented MC for the evening.  Mike did a great job of introducing people and keeping the different pieces of the show moving. Thank you to the Shasta Wheelmen who spent the night valet parking bicycles for attendees.


Thank you to our speakers for the evening:  Francie Sullivan, Redding City Councilwoman;  Mark Lascelles, President of the Economic Development Corporation of Shasta County;  Ed Rullman, Partner and General Manager, Best Western Plus Hilltop Inn, C.R. Gibbs American Grille;  and Lieutenant Tracy BeaupreRedding City Police Department.

  • “We want people to feel safe doing things that are healthy and make them feel good.”  Francie Sullivan spoke passionately about her excitement for all the positive movement in Redding for bicycling for health and local tourism, and for bicycle-safe street infrastructure.
  • “If we can make this a bicycle-friendly community in every aspect – I think the business community will reap benefits from many angles”.  Ed Rullman spoke about the interest his business has in bicycle events as well as safe bicycling within Redding for his customers.
  • ” Today, high-tech industry is attracted to active lifestyle cities.”  Mark Lascelles gave the Top 10 Reasons Why Bicycling is good for the Economy.
  • “Thank You.”  Lieutenant Beaupre spoke about how the Explorer Program trains young people in the many aspects of law enforcement.  She said a gracious Thank You for the donation from the bicycle community to support the program.

Thank you to the donors for our raffle:  Blazing Saddles, Shasta Land Trust, Carnegies, Cafe Paradisio, Visit ReddingJefferson Thomas,  PUBLIC Bikes.    And to Vintage Wine Bar for offering discounts to ticket holders.

Thank you to The Cascade Theatre and all the volunteers and advisors who helped us put this event together – including Garth Schmeck, our friends at CatalystJarret Yount and so many others.

Reveal The Path



Celebrate Biking’s Positive Effect On Our Lives and Community in The North State

  • Cascade Theatre, Redding – Thursday, February 28, 2013
  • Bicycle Parking by Shasta Wheelman

Join us for a celebration of all the ways that biking transforms our lives and our community for the better.    Be inspired to dream and to live your own bicycle adventures.   Meet new people and learn about new groups, rides and activities.    

6:00pm.  Start the evening at the reception. Meet inspiring people and learn about events and activities of local groups and businesses.  Buy your raffle tickets to support cycling in our community and win cool prizes!

7:20pm.  Hear from local leaders about the ways bicycling benefits our community.   Watch the independent feature film Reveal the Path a genre-defying adventure film that contemplates what it means to live an inspired life.

9:30 pm.  Raffle winners announced.  Contribute to the event raffle and win cool prizes. Proceeds support improvements to biking and walking in our community and will go to Redding City Police Department and Shasta Living Streets.