Bring your family and favorite tricycles, balance bikes and scooters. We will also have a selection of bikes and helmets available to borrow.
Please join us!
Children will ride a fun obstacle course to learn riding and safety skills. Parents will enjoy the colorful spectacle and learn resources and tips for riding more with families and children. Staff from The Bike Shop will help with bicycle maintenance. Join the raffle to win a PUBLIC balance bike. A special treat – Turtle Bay’s resident animals will stop by to entertain everyone!
Saturday, April 16
11:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m.
at Turtle Bay Exploration Park’s Quarry Patio Garden
It’s Week of the Young Child and National Opening Day of Trails!
Hosted by Friends of Redding Trails, with First 5 Shasta, Healthy Shasta, Redding Recreation, and Turtle Bay Exploration Park.
Friends of Redding Trails is a part of Shasta Living Streets, we all work together to bring events and resources to our community.