What is a Walking School Bus and how do children in your neighborhood get one?
This year Redding School District will have walking school buses at Juniper, Cypress, Sycamore, and Turtle Bay.
Shasta County has 37,000 children.
One third of all families in Shasta County have children under the age of 18.
Shasta County is ranked a low 56 of 57 counties for health indicators for all counties in the state.
Walking one mile to and from school each day is two-thirds of the recommended sixty minutes of physical activity a day.
Kids are less active today than in the past, and 23% of children get no free-time physical activity at all.
Over the past 40 years, rates of obesity have soared among children of all ages in the United States, and approximately 25 million children and adolescents—more than 33%—are now overweight or obese or at risk of becoming so.
Would you like to help children and families in your neighborhood walk or ride their bikes to school? Contact Shasta Safe Routes to School.
Safe Routes to School National Partnership
County Health Rankings, Shasta County
Photo: saferoutestoschools.org