What a great celebration for a protected walk and bikeway that helps create a Connected City and advances our Trail Town
“AMAZING!!!!!” “I had no idea we had so many cycling fans!” “Our city needs more events like this.” Yes. Our community supports active living excellence in a big way!
Protected bikeways give people the safe space they need to ride a bike where they want to go.
On a hot July Thursday night, when half of Redding/Shasta was on vacation…. more than 2,000 people attended to check it out and to walk, ride, roll on the new trail and celebrate this milestone achievement together. This is the safe, connected route people have wanted for so long.

“It was like Copenhagen at rush hour!“
Thank you to everyone who contributed, volunteered, and celebrated!
Thank you to major donors who contributed to help get the party started: Dignity Health, Redding Rancheria, and K2 Development Company.
Thank you to the hard-working planning team: City of Redding Community Services and Communication team, Shasta Living Streets staff and Many! Volunteer! Heroes!, Shasta Regional Transportation Agency, CaltransD2, Shasta Co Health and Human Services Agency, Viva Downtown, and Chain Gang.