Over the last decade and longer, there have been numerous plans developed with input from the public, and our community has repeatedly expressed their desire for a safe and connected network for active transportation options.
Across the different community meetings, surveys, and other outreach efforts, a few different themes have started to emerge.
Safe, High Quality Facilities
Our community has, again and again, understood that they are more likely to ride a bicycle or use our trails when they feel safe and comfortable, whether this means a dedicated multi-use path or a protected bike lane with plenty of width.

“A system of trails, bikeways, and complete streets that line neighborhoods, communities, and destinations. This system will be suitable for all ages and abilities, providing safe, secure, enjoyable, and convenient options for travel.” – A community member’s vision for a future active transportation network.
“When stakeholders were asked what type of bike facilities they prefer and would encourage them to ride a bike, protected bike lanes and off-street trails received the most positive feedback, and would result in the highest increase in people bicycling more often.” an excerpt from the Go Shasta Active Transportation Plan
A Connected Community
Because we realize that our trails do so much more for the community when they connect people all the way to the places they go, the public has asked to keep expanding our active transportation network.
“A robust active transportation network that lets people of all ages and abilities safely walk or bike for pleasure, commute or errands. An equitable network that will unlock our economic potential, result in better health outcomes, and help build a more sustainable community.” – A community member’s vision.
Mobility Options
There have consistently been calls from our community for more options when it comes to personal transportation. More mobility options can mean many things for our community members, like healthier and happier lifestyles, reduced transportation costs, and less dependence on personal vehicles.

“Unique communities that are livable is important to me, with walking and biking options for local needs and public transportation options to downtown and community areas.” – A community member’s thoughts on mobility.
List of Previous Planning Documents with Public Support for Active Transportation
GoShasta Regional Active Transportation Plan (2018)
City of Redding Active Transportation Plan (2018)
Downtown Redding Community Based Transportation Plan (2016)
Downtown Redding Walk Workshop (2015)
City of Redding Bikeway Action Plan 2010-2015
Shasta County 2010 Bicycle Transportation Plan
ShastaForward>> Public Engagement & Scenario Planning (2010)