California Street Labs was a tactical urbanism project designed to test ideas for programming urban spaces in Downtown Redding. Planned to start Summer of 2018, the project was delayed by the Carr Fire, and started in October 2018.
With this project, we invited and supported artists, residents, entrepreneurs, businesses, and organizational partners to create activities and events to refresh and uplift our city. People worked together to test ideas and actions that build a vibrant downtown and a great city.
The one-year project engaged more than 100 community groups, businesses, and artists of all kinds.

Create experiences for people to enjoy
Help connect the many people
working to improve our city
Prototype ideas for downtown
Themes for projects

Tactical Urbanism: Short-Term Projects for Action-Oriented Planning
“Tactical Urbanism” is a word to describe the types of participatory projects that are designed for short-term tests of new ideas in cities.
Shasta Living Streets manages short-term projects to give residents, businesses, community-based organizations, and city leaders a chance to work together and test out and try new ideas – to experience new types of city amenities and see how they fit in our community. These projects allow people to experience the vision of a new idea, and to gather input from people about what they like, as well as ideas for adjustments.
Shasta Living Streets projects have included hundreds of businesses and organizations and thousands of residents since 2011. Past projects include: Open Street events, Parklet and Street Deck demonstrations, California Street Labs Downtown events and activities, and asphalt murals.
Participating organizations and individuals
(an incomplete list)
- Active 20-30 Club of Redding
- Alice DiMicele
- Angie James, Artist
- Armando Mejorado, Artist
- Art from the Ashes
- Blockchain Meetup
- Calvin Black, Musician
- Cascade Theater
- Christian Naegele
- CLIF Bar
- Crescent Electric Supply Co.
- Desirae Harp
- Dulceblomma Floral Design
- Earthjustice
- Enterprise High School Art Students
- Envision Redding
- Erich Bowman
- Ernest Alvarado
- Friends of the Labs
- Halcyon Solar Construction
- Hill Country Health and Wellness Center
- Holly Roxanne, Artist
- Ilana Preuss
- Jason Roberts, Build a Better Block
- Jefferson Public Radio
- Jefferson Thomas, Artist
- Jesi Naomi
- Jorge Heezy
- Keith Williams, German Teacher
- KKRN 88.5
- Klean Kanteen
- March Fourth Marching Band
- Merchants Bank of Commerce
- Matt Szlachetka, Musician
- Miracle Mile Records
- Native Roots Network
- North State Parent, Sierra club
- North State Symphony
- Pamela Llano
- Peak Design
- Redding Chamber of Commerce
- Redding Area GIS Group
- Redding Cultural Cruise
- Redding First United Methodist Church
- Redding Parks and Trails Foundation
- Redding Roots Revival
- Redding East Rotary
- Redding VR
- Ron’s Chico Bike Shop bicycle furniture
- Run4Salmon Festival
- Sarah Hoxie, Musician
- Shasta Builder’s Exchange
- Shasta College
- Shasta College Language Department
- Shasta County Arts Council
- Shasta County Juneteenth Celebration
- Shasta Living Streets
- Shaun Funchess
- Sierra Nevada Brewery
- Sister Sparrow and the Dirty Birds
- Stewie G.
- Tad Phillips
- Taqueria Los Gordos
- The Brasserie
- The Beloved Community Shasta County
- The Whole Earth and Watershed Festival
- Trout Unlimited
- Turtle Bay Elementary Jazz Band
- Sugarkane
- Viva Downtown
- Whiskeytown Environment School Community
- Whiskeytown National Recreation Area
- Whole Earth & Watershed Festival
- Wild and Science Film Festival
- Winnemem Jewelry
- Women’s Health Specialists
- Zach Muzk