People who use RABA can now ride Redding Bikeshare for free to get to their destinations
The Redding Area Bus Authority and Shasta Living Streets have entered into a partnership to allow RABA riders free bikeshare trips – for an easier, quicker, and more convenient trip to and from bus stops and their destinations.
Today, riders on Redding Area Bus Authority fixed and flex route buses traveling to and from Downtown Redding can ask the bus operator for a free coupon to ride Redding Bikeshare for a 24 hour period to make it easier, quicker, and more convenient to get to and from bus stops and their destinations.
Shasta Living Streets has worked with RABA and kept Shasta County transit users in mind since 2018, as the Shasta Bike Depot was being designed to be a mobility hub located at the Downtown Transit Center.
Bikeshare stations have been placed near bus stops, work sites, and places people want to go. Now this partnership helps make transportation multi-modal in Shasta County.
The goal of the program is to bring RABA riders closer to their destination or a bus stop in a fun, fast, convenient manner.
– John Andoh, Transit Manager for the Redding Area Bus Authority
We are excited about our partnership with RABA and this new option that helps people in Redding commute in comfort with shared mobility. If the walk from the bus station to work feels too far, then Redding Bikeshare can be the solution to a quick and convenient trip.
– Anne Thomas, Executive Director of Shasta Living Streets, which operates Redding Bikeshare from the Shasta Bike Depot
It’s accurate to think of Redding Bikeshare
as two-wheeled public transit.
This program is funded through a State Transit Assistance grant provided though the Shasta Regional Transportation Agency and is one of their goals to encourage Shasta County residents to be active and healthy through riding a bike.
RABA riders whom are low income can apply for access to Redding Bikeshare by visiting the Shasta Bike Depot located at 1322 California Street, Redding or online at https://shastalivingstreets.org/redding-bikeshare/. A smartphone is required and can be obtained through California Lifeline by visiting https://www.californialifeline.com/en
RABA riders can access Redding Bikeshare
at the following stations:
- Court Street Rite Aid
- Diestelhorst Bridge
- Market and Gold Street
- Market Center North
- Market Center Park
- Market Center South
- Pine & Sacramento Parking
- Pine Street School Shopping Center
- Redding City Hall
- RABA Downtown Passenger Terminal
- Shasta Bike Depot
- Safeway / R&R Meats
- Shasta County Library
- Shasta Regional Medical Center
- Sundial Bridge
- More bikes and docking stations will be added in May.
For additional RABA information, please call (530) 241-2877, TDD/TTY: 711 through the relay service, email: RABA@RABAride.com or visit www.RABARide.com. Find RABA on Facebook, Instagram and X @RABARide.
For additional Redding Bikeshare information, please email: communications@shastalivingstreets.org, call (530) 355-9434 or visit Shasta Bike Depot at 1322 California Street, Redding which is open daily from 10:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m.
About RABA
RABA is a service of the Redding Area Bus Authority, which is a joint powers agency between the City of Redding, City of Shasta Lake, City of Anderson and Shasta County and provides countywide public transit services on 15 fixed routes, and a complementary paratransit service. RABA transports approximately 406,000 passenger trips a year on a fleet of 38 buses and vans. Transit services are provided under contract with Transdev Services, Inc.
About Shasta Living Streets
Shasta Living Streets operates programs for new mobility, including the Shasta Bike Depot and Redding Bikeshare. Shasta Living Streets programs are designed to give people the resources, skills and confidence they need to get around safely and conveniently walking, biking, and using two-wheeled transit. Walking, biking and shared vehicles – are now enhanced with new technology and services to help people in the community move faster, easier, cheaper, covering longer distances, more comfortably.
This helps reduce municipal costs, lower cost of living for families, improve business environment, and reduce traffic deaths. It’s an opportunity to improve the quality of life – day in and day out – for all people in Shasta County.
Founded in 2010 the organization is a local, community-based 501(c)(3) non-profit corporation.
Strong Community Involvement
Redding Bikeshare is a collaborative project with input and support from the community and local partners, including the City of Redding, The McConnell Foundation, and K2 Development. Redding Bikeshare is a part of multiple grant-funded projects for affordable housing and sustainable communities, and clean mobility improvements in Downtown Redding. Partners include: