Our Vision
When we build high-quality facilities and give a lot more people the resources, skills, and confidence they need to get around safely and conveniently walking and biking – they discover the ease and joy of active living, and our community becomes healthier, happier, and more prosperous.
What happened last year?
Pivoting, Partnering, Planning
It’s been a rough year for sure. We miss you all. We take this opportunity for a quick look back at what we accomplished together and how we continue to build for the future.
A year-end review
Planning for breakthrough ventures
We spent much of this year planning for the future. Shasta Bike Depot is on track for construction in 2021. We created a story-map about the Downtown Connector Loop Trail. The Bike Depot was featured in a Calbike article and in a presentation at the national BikeWalkPlaces conference.
We are working with Michael Smiley to develop the first Great Central Valley Bike Route starting here on the Sacramento River Trail. We collaborated to develop a plan for Redding Bikeshare and worked hard on an application to bring multi-year funding – keep your fingers crossed. 2021 will be a year of designing and delivering new programs for these projects.
Partnering to bring more funding and projects
We worked with partners to bring more funding and better policy for local projects, including: California Active Transportation Program grants; Shasta Lake Local Road Safety Plan, SRTA Long Range Transit Plan.
With the help of many donors and volunteers, we built the demonstration Parklet! On Oregon Street in front of Carnegie’s. With this project, City of Redding now has an approved Parklet Policy to help other businesses build their own. Thank you to: RAD Studio, Sierra Pacific Industries, Carnegie’s, Viva Downtown, The McConnell Foundation, Dulceblomma, Bridgehouse B&B, Rader Excavating, and City of Redding.
Changing-up activities and events
We started with a great art opening by the Enterprise Art Students at California Street Labs, Try Biking It’s Friday!, and plans for family biking activities. We continued the asphalt art mural on site, cargo-bike activities, and went online with the Family Biking Festival – Motherload Movie, and the Wild & Scenic Film Festival Redding Tour.
Welcome Bryson Schreder!

You might already know Bryson, he returned home to Redding in 2018 after receiving a Bachelor of Architecture, with a minor in Sustainable Environments, at Cal Poly State University in San Luis Obispo. He worked at Trilogy Architecture for two years. He’s a Redding native and a Shasta High School graduate. Bryson is interested in cycling of all kinds: mountain, gravel, city, tracklocross, bike packing. He likes to surf, snowboard, and ski, and appreciates Northern California wilderness and local Jeffersonian culture.
Bryson is looking forward to seeing Redding grow into a successful example of what active living excellence looks like in Far Northern California.