Help make your neighborhood safer
What you can do Today!
You asked – We made signs!
Locally designed. Friendly reminders. Lawn signs for your home.
Out of town? We can customize for your city, and ship to you.

Encourage your neighbors to slow their drive with lawn signs.
Why this matters
Speed is the single most important factor in determining the outcome of a collision.
And now – fewer cars, faster driving.
People sense this danger to themselves and their children. If cars pass by the house moving too fast – parents won’t let their kids play outside and people of all ages are discouraged from walking or biking.
Today more than ever, people want to be out enjoying their neighborhood. Walking, biking, rolling, playing. We live in a beautiful place. We want to enjoy our yards, wave to neighbors, watch the sunset. At the same time – fewer people are driving, but driving faster. And we are all more distracted when we drive.
It’s time for a reminder – we love our neighborhood. Let’s Slow Down.

Slow Streets are a response by cities to the needs of city residents
1 – Expand safe space for people walking, biking and rolling
2 – Create linked routes to help people get to local businesses, explore their city, and enjoy outings at home

How does it work?
Vehicles travel with care, people have more space
- Use local streets, already designed for low speeds.
- Neighborhood street traffic is calmed by redirecting through-traffic. Residents, deliveries continue to drive as needed.
- Corridors identified based on resident interest and routes to help people get to local shopping, services, and parks.
- Implementation can happen quickly with signage, cones and bollards at intersections.
- Act now and adapt over time!
Can it last?
Neighborhood Greenways
Slow Streets are a temporary response. They can be a test or prototype for a more permanent version, called Neighborhood Greenways.
Neighborhood greenways are where people of all ages and abilities have the opportunity to bicycle, walk and play. As such, neighborhood greenways need to maintain low auto volumes and speeds, provide protected crossings at major intersections, and create an environment that encourages people of all ages to travel actively.
- Travel with Care. Vehicles travel at 20 mph or less.
- Fewer cars. A lower volume of cars each day on these corridors.
- Create a Network. Routes that make a connected network for walking, biking, and rolling to destinations across the city.
- Remove barriers to active travel. Safe crossings at busy streets.
- Create amenities to delight and encourage active travel, including: asphalt murals at intersections, shade trees, plantings, speed humps, traffic diverters to redirect through-traffic.
What people are saying
Courtney E. Martin reported for Curbed recently about how Oakland Slow Streets have been a godsend for her family.
“‘Slow streets,’ overnight, transformed our family life and the lives of our neighbors,” she writes. “We had struggled to find a place to teach our daughter to ride her bike up until this point. It always seemed like such a production. Easier to just scoot along the sidewalk and put it off. But the minute the streets opened up, we got our helmets on and headed out. About an hour later, we had a bike rider on our hands. I’ve heard similar stories from so many parents across Oakland.”
Who else is doing Slow Streets?
A few cities –>
Austin, TX
Alameda, CA
Arlington, MA
Baltimore, MD
Bellevue, WA
Bend, OR
Bentonville, AR
Brussels, Belgium
Burlington, ON
Burlington, VT
Carrboro, NC
Charlotte, NC
Chicago, IL
Edmonds, WA
Emeryville, CA
Fayetteville, AR
Greensboro, NC
Hackney, London
Hounslow, UK
Kansas City, MO
Los Angeles, CA
Lisbon, Portugal
Lambeth, UK
Madison, WI
Malden, MA
Manchester, UK
Milwaukee, WI
Minneapolis, MN
Mississauga, ON
Nashville, TN
Milwaukee, WI
New Orleans, LA
Oakland, CA
Pasadena, CA
Poughkeepsie, NY
Porto, Portugal
Providence, RI
Redwood City, CA
Salt Lake City, UT
San Francisco, CA
San Diego, CA
Seattle, WA
Somerville, MA
Tameside, UK
Tucson, AZ
Vancouver, BC
Ventura, CA
Vienna, Austria
safer – active – health – quieter
sociable – accessible – local amenities
equitable – property value
improved traffic flow – car lite – greener
congestion reduction
children and older people benefit
walking place
cycling place