NEW BICYCLE SPEEDWAY RACE TRACK MADE SMOOTH AND HARD. Wheel Club to be Organized Monday to Hold Meet on April 1st. The Redding race track has been transformed into a splendid speedway for wheelmen. The surface of the oval is as hard and smooth as a floor. J.O. Parsons, to whom the contract for making the improvements was let, and his two assistants began their work with teams and scrapers Monday morning and completed it Wednesday evening. The bit of track which had been impaired by water flowing over it was filled in and the filling packed into place. The improvements are thorough and complete. Mr. Bassett, the owner, had already begun the demolition of the premises. The judges stand had been turn down and part of the seats removed from the grand stand. Carpenters Sol Camp and S.W. Hammand are engaged in building a new judges stand and in bracing the grand stand. The first race meet will be held on Sunday, April 1st, and it will provide some spirited contests. The formal organization of the new bicycle club will take place next Monday evening, probably at Hose House No. 2. A large number of wheelmen have signified their intention of joining. The club will include lady members. Male adult members will pay an initiation fee of $1.50 and seventy-five cents monthly dues. Members under eighteen and female members will pay $1 initiation and fifty cents dues. Manager Howard Dobrowsky anticipates a season of rare sport for wheelmen. (from Daily Free Press, March 22, 1900)